Patterns Make Progress

When you first begin to learn calligraphy and lettering don’t focus on making letters; simply enjoy mark making and making patterns. It’s tempting to rush into writing but it’s important to begin each session with warm up exercises. Just in the same way and athlete will begin by stretching a musician will practise the scales under-estimate. Now I know some of you will be itching to move into proper writing but this loosening-up procedure is a great way to relax and will help you become familiar with the tool without the pressure of having to produce a finished artefact.

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Lettering and calligraphy tools explained

You can start learning about calligraphy with just a pencil and a piece of paper but, believe me, once you start you’ll be hooked. But first you need to know about the different writing instruments so let’s take a look at the four main categories of calligraphy tools.

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Toolssharon shaw